
We are SOLD OUT of fall lambs! Thank you for your business!

We will still be selling cuts in our online store throughout the year. Check out our store for availability.

We raise a small flock of Texel-cross sheep that are selected based on their performance.  This includes fertility, twinning, mothering ability, and temperament.  Customers purchase our lambs for several reasons: to raise themselves, 4H lambs, and the best reason…yummy, delicious meat!

  • Raised Naturally

    No antibiotics

  • Texel X Sheep


  • Delicious Meat

    Mild and Tender

How to buy:

  1. Buy a whole lamb: Stock your freezer! Learn more below.

  2. By the cut: Visit the shop to see what we have available!

  3. By the box: We can build you a custom box. Tell us your budget, what types of cuts you like, and your culinary habits, and we will build you a box. If you’re not sure which cuts you want, we’ll pick great options and box them up for you! These boxes could include beef, if you like.

What to expect when buying a whole lamb:

The feedback on our beef has been so good that we decided to finish the lambs in the same manner this year. My wife just fixed us some lamb shoulders steaks from this year’s crop (in my lowly opinion, it was the best I've ever had!).


  1. We charge $2.50/lb live weight (between 110-140 lbs), plus tax, if you pick up a live lamb and plan to butcher yourself. Or, if you want one of the local butchers to do it for you, we charge $5/lb hanging weight (between 55-70 lbs), plus tax. It is approximately the same price.

  2. The customer is responsible for slaughter and cut/wrap fees. See South Hill’s price sheet here. See Alta Vista’s prices here.

  3. We have butcher dates available in October-January or you can butcher your own.

  • Pre-processed whole lamb boxes are often available.

Please call Kim at 208.946.7668 with any questions.


What do you feed your lambs?

We feed our lambs homegrown hay and local, whole, non-GMO barley and peas.

What are some common ovine terms?

  • Flock or Herd: generic, plural term for a group of all ewes, rams, lambs, and wethers

  • Ewe: female of the species

  • Ram: mature male used for breeding

  • Lamb: male or female less than 1 year old

  • Wether: young male that has been castrated

  • Mutton: the meat from a sheep that is over 1 year old

What cuts do you get when purchasing a lamb?

You get shoulder steaks or roasts, ground lamb, leg of lamb(whole or half), shank, riblets, lamb chops, burger, and stew meat. If you want the offal (liver and heart), make sure to ask for it.

What people are saying…

  • "We have always gotten superb beef and lamb from Cushman Farm. It has great flavor and melts in your mouth tenderness. Customer service is excellent. Highly recommend!"

  • "The lamb is amazing, thank you. It’s so tender."

  • "Delicious and fresh!"

  • "Thank you for continuing to sell to me at a wonderful price and the meat is so delicious!"

  • "Thank you for the beef and the lamb-the tenderloins and ground beef were delicious!"

  • The lamb is delicious. Very mild and tender. Thank you!

  • Well, I have great news to report. The lamb was FANTASTIC. Oh I have missed eating lamb :) That cut you gave me, was it a shoulder cut? It was tender, succulent, and I prepared it as you suggested except that I used butter instead of olive oil. It was amazing. I gave my dog the fat after I had cooked it. She loved it! Thank you from both of us. Big smiles on our faces tonight...yum, yum!

“I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me."

— John 10:14